
Flourish is our nature class for 4-6 year olds!

In this class your little one will join our nature study, experiment with handicrafts, learn Bible verse songs and hymns, read lots of living books, and so much more!

Over the course of 4 semesters we will cover many topics, including an introduction to botany and astronomy, and a study of scientist such as Galileo and Beatrix Potter, impressionist artists such as Van Gogh and Monet, and composers such as Vivaldi and Bach.

As we meet once a week for this ten week enrichment class, our hope is that our students will:

~ Be inspired to grow in their love for nature

~ Discover the joy and wonder in studying the intricate beauty of God’s creation

~ Cultivate a deeper love for literature through living books

~ Create nature oriented handicrafts

~ Grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Bible through hymns, stories, and songs

~ Develop a richer love for the beauty of music, hymns, and art

~ Delight in spending time making new friends

Our desire is to create a haven of delightful learning where each of our students can truly flourish! 🍃

Join our email list to be notified when this class opens for registration! Contact us for more information here